Welcome to Coronithia

Welcome to Coronithia, I hope you like this blog.
If you have any questions you can put them on a comment.
If you want to know more about Coronithia and it's Galaxy you can visit:



Thursday 6 May 2010

Become a member of the M.I.7

If you want to become a member in the M.I.7 (Secret Intelligence Service) you must be aged between 10-15 and had a good trainig status, you could have been trained in the Science Museum in the Spymaker exhibition or if you had not had recent training you can be trained by the M.I.7 tutor.
There are already members, if you are one of them please put your agent number and pass-word bellow:

Agent number: 6065

Pass-word: ****************

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Coronithia's National Animal

Coronithia's national animal is the panda and it has been for twelve years. Some people might want to change it for a few months, if you want to why not vote now?

Coronithian Post

Coronithian Post
